Resultados de la búsqueda.

Knowledge management, what is it really?

Knowledge management, what is it really?

Knowledge management, what is it really? Every organisation has a lot of knowledge. That knowledge exists both at an individual level and within the organisation.

Header ‘I grow and develop every day’

‘I grow and develop every day’

‘I grow and develop every day’ Unicorn developer Remco is part of the Bundeling core team. He discovered his passion for programming at 14, and

Klantcase Geerets de Leeuw
Casi di clienti

Geerets De Leeuw

“Mi sembra davvero incredibile, ma il 100% del nostro personale usa quotidianamente l’app Bundeling”. Puoi raccontarci qualcosa su di te, su Geerets De Leeuw e

The Do's & Don'ts of community management

The Do’s & Don’ts of community management

The Do’s & Don’ts of community management When it comes to community management, there are some important do’s and don’ts to be aware of. In this blog, we’ll share our

Klantcase Logistic Force
Casi di clienti

Logistic Force

“Una volta abituato, non c’è bisogno di nient’altro” Ci puoi raccontare qualcosa su di te e su Logistic Force? Mi chiamo Demy van der Jagt,

Casi di clienti The Duke Club
Casi di clienti

The Duke Club

Business golfclub The Duke Club Il Duke Club è un esclusivo club di networking con un carnet di membri di diversa estrazione in cui vengono