
“Once you’re used to it, you won’t want to use anything else.”

Could you introduce yourself and Logistic Force?

My name is Demy van der Jagt, marketing communications officer at Logistic Force. Logistic Force is a full-service HR service provider with 17 offices throughout the Netherlands. We provide a wide variety of services in the transport and logistics sector, including temporary staff, recruitment for permanent roles, and staff training.

We added another seven branches to our organisation through the acquisition of WorkTrans last summer, which has given us broad market coverage. Of course, having so many branches has brought several challenges, including in our internal communications. The acquisition of WorkTrans means that we now have more than 200 employees. We experimented with newsletters for internal communications for a while, but we found that our employees weren’t reading them.

How did you discover Bundeling?

We were a shirt sponsor for several years for the Dutch first-division football club Willem II, so we were regulars in their Business Lounge. Willem II’s business club uses the Bundeling app, so we already knew the platform pretty well. We immediately realised that Bundeling would also be a very useful tool for our organisation. We looked into developing an app ourselves initially, but that turned out to be quite difficult. So it wasn’t long before we came to you.

How did the process go?

A member of your team came over and gave us a demo, and we explained what we wanted and needed from the platform. What was especially important for us was the interactivity aspect – that our employees could respond to the messages we post. We were also able to create our own house style. We adapted this after the acquisition of WorkTrans so our new employees would feel at home on the platform.

How do you use the Bundeling app?

We mainly use it for our internal communications. What we post varies quite a bit. We share news, new website features, new systems, new ways of working, but also fun things like birthdays. Our directors also share company-wide updates.

A regular feature that does well is new employee introductions, so we’ve created a standard format for that. When a new staff member joins us, we send them a questionnaire, and we post it on the Bundeling app when they’ve filled it in. We’re especially keen to encourage all our branches to share their own news. Our head office and our temping branch are here in Tilburg. We have about 50 to 60 people working here, so it’s relatively easy to keep on top of what’s going on. It’s harder to be aware of what’s happening at other branches, so it’s nice to be able to use Bundeling to involve their employees too. It creates ‘cross-pollination’ between the branches, where people actively approach each other to exchange information and ideas.

Do you use any plugins or intergrations

We’ve integrated our HRM system, AFAS. When we hire a new employee, they’re automatically added to the Bundeling app. Apart from that, we mainly use the ‘news’ feature and the ‘quick update’ (bulletin board). Many of our employees also use Bundeling as a phone book, so instead of saving phone numbers, they just look up people’s contact information in the user profiles section.

Since the acquisition, we’ve been using the label functionality more and more. For example, we can decide whether something is of interest only to WorkTrans or Logistic Force. You can attach a label to something so it ends up with the right people. It’s a great feature.

We get a good response to messages celebrating success. People seem to really like them.​

What sort of messages perform well in your app?

In terms of likes, messages from the directors do well. People like to be informed about what the company is doing and where it’s going.

We’ve been using Bundeling for almost four years now, since January 2019, and we’re still very happy with it. People needed time to get used to the platform and sharing news at first, but once you’re used to it, you won’t want to use anything else.